Cancer Patient Speaks Out About Medical Marijuana

After Joseph Casias was treated for life-threatening sinus cancer, no medicine could ease his pain until his oncologist suggested …


  1. Smoking and vaping flower 12 years has started to cause serious pain in the neck and back. Maybe my condition is different then others, but I found the most relief with Blair method. I hope to get rid of smoking weed one day. I don't smoke cigs. I did research online and found others also have severe pain in the left shoulder and neck after smoking cannabis. From my research, I discovered three things that may not be known by the medical user. 1) The THC content is too high and causes extreme pain when used in high quantities. 2) The crossing of different strains over and over has caused the THC ingested to be so modified that it creates pain instead of helping it. 3) The shortness of breath can be a major cause for heart complications. Summary: I loved weed for 12 years+ but watched it destroy many lives of teenagers who abused it. At 30, If I can stay away from THC, my pain goes away by getting the proper adjustment by a professional "Blair DC". If you have excruciating pain after smoking, you are not alone! The body is a machine, but not a smoking machine. In regards to God, God gave us all plants for food. No where in the Bible does it mention smoking plants. Man will always turn what God has created into something modified that is never the natural source God intended it to be.

  2. When Canada legalized Cannabis the conservatives said all life on earth would end and people would start raping and murdering babies.
    BUT, I woke up that day and watched peace on earth as the birds sang a song of DEMOCRACY.
    Now, we make billions to spend on free Hospitals and people have employees at dispencaries, they pay taxes , crime is down 80%, we save on Police and courts and prisons.
    Those people that were said to be criminals go to work and pay taxes and families are no longer broken apart and evicted to the streets.
    OH, yes America to have a gret evil arond Cannabis and other drugs and it's YOU !!

  3. I get episodic back pain- I believe being able to grow your own medicine is wonderful- two plants I like to keep- cannabis and opium poppy- a jar of buds and a jar of dry ground poppy pods- cannabis will eliminate most of the pain- for breakthroughs of burning pain, have the poppy tea on standby, a combination of cannabis with a low dose of poppy tea will shift even the worst pain! You should have the right to grow your own medicine- why should I not beallowed to have cannabis and why should I have to go to a doctor and beg for and pay for a prescription for opiates when both plants grow like weeds and produce excellent painkillers free!

  4. I make my own rso so I don't have to pay for it in but it's illegal where I'm from. I'm just wondering how much does it cost where it is legal. I bet you have to pay and arm and a leg for it

  5. Helpful video. This is one example that proves that marijuana is good for medical uses. It helps a lot of people that have this kind of disease.

  6. If you're thinking of medical cannabis, you should speak to your personal doctor about it.
    However I started having seizures when I was 16, and now I have a chronic pain disorder of my bladder and I use cannabis treatment for both.

  7. First off thank you so much for sharing your story,I am sick 😷 of people saying Marijuana is a class A drug, wrong information have given this such bad news,Marijuana IS NOT A GATE WAY to more serious drug's,I am dumbfounded that in this day and age governments still have a barbaric view,especially when it comes to medical reason's…. godless you and your family stay strong my friend

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