Bill would recognize cannabis, hemp as food under the 'Right to Food' amendment

Patients say the legislation is key to protecting their medicine, while regulators say it would crush the regulated market. Read the …


  1. as with anything people can make money from , the greed factor is greater in the beginning. once things level off and normalize , greed dies because people are only going to pay so much for cannabis. so let things go thru it's cycles and all will be good.

  2. legalize it federally. then along with the black market aspect of cannabis becoming non existent, the commercial viability will be profitable once the novelty wears off. not to many people will continue to grow their own , mainly because it is time consuming, and in some ways expensive. it's easier and more variety available to buy from retailers. so all we have to do is get our federal governments heads out of their asses and things will get better.

  3. it's a plant I grow and used regularly…they don't care as long as I'm not stepping on federal profits..the problem is crossing that line so if just personal use..have had no issues.
    Yeah. saying even though illegal the feds are balls deep in the drug money.

  4. How can you argue growing cannabis “threatens commercial businesses”? With that logic, gardening should be banned because it threatens commercial farmers.

  5. "Would Crush the market", well then Crush it! ANYONE should be allowed to grow this plant, not just those who are looking to make a profit off of it. Greedy people can go screw them selves.

  6. I am glad her daughter is getting something that helps. Feds are sitting on legalization or at least changing from a class 1 because they are plotting how they can make money and can control people's freedoms. I saw the last bill introduced was to cover Atf agents from being fired or not being hired. They always make their own exempt. You should be free with your body unless you are hurting others because you can't handle freedom with responsibility. It's not my fault there are stupid people that want their existence regulated.

  7. Eating this raw (no heat) will not get you HIGH but regulates your body.
    🎯 Sharing my experience with others helps me.

    Thank you GOD 4 returning me. WATCH my BRAIN RESTORE with THC.

    I am starting to get a good understanding of what has happened to me and why I think the way I do now. You see the left lobe of the brain is for LOGIC and the right lobe is for CREATIVITY. THC restores the ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM that allows brain recovery. My damage was on left lobe.

    My grandfather was a lead doctor and taught me much on body function.

    He was a certified genius with 156 IQ that ran the PANAMA CANAL ZONE for the military until 1958 and can be looked up. ( Co. George W. Bland Sr.).

    My IQ was 148 when was 17.

    I wrecked my Harley rolling it at 120 MPH with no helmet giving me a 5.5 TBI that THC is restoring.

    I figured if THC is restoring my brain injury the way I say it is and if I am as smart as the IQ test says then I should be able to figure out how GOLD formed to 'prove' healing.

    I DID ! – But they CYBER ATTACK ME !

    Government kills, GOD 'heals'.


    I am one of the CREATORS 'healing' warriors.

    Because I was not believed I did a SPIRITUAL MEDITATION where I was shown how GOLD formed to show TRUTH.

    Copper melts at 1800F but the 'atoms' must be brought to a boil, that is at 3500F. There can't be any oxygen because will put pressure against atoms blocking escape. Melted BORAX will do this as long covering copper. In 100 hours atoms will shatter leaving 79 atoms that is GOLD.

    Only GOD can return me from 'death'.

    HUMANITY needs ADVANCED.…/...

  8. The worst thing that should be banned is alcohol. Marijuana should be legal under federal and many pepole dise from alcohol and its highly addictive ..the government works for us its not the outher way a around we are all fed up with this people who we put in off and try to say what's good for us when they live high off the hog power to the pepole

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