1. Gotta say, vids done in black & white, not my favorite thing. I grew up in a time when color photography, then color T.V. was the newest thing. Color pics & vids are better.

  2. Bless her hart she looks just like her momma. Awesome. You are a great dad and so is your fantastic wife an Awesome mother. Good on ya. Plus you are both fantastic at making men. Our Father has put you on earth to set the example for everyone and by goodness you have done just that.

  3. Great video, I can appreciate the young mans calling to Our Lord and Savior and His Father, Our Creator.
    Whats the name of the artist with that bluesy wonderful deal early in the video? Before your son's announcement? I play guitar and want to learn that simple but beautiful melody.

  4. THE kids are certainly growing up. Prayers & safe journey fir Ram, on his Mission, Roxy: great promotion. Mom & Dad: Kudos!

  5. Hey ,may I suggest that when filming someone on the couch,you kneel down to their level ,and I work set the backdrop so Roxy can really sell your sponsored products,make this her section her thing ,not a complaint just pure suggestions

  6. Awesome job on the ad Roxy, you are really good at it. Your son will come back a man after two years in Brazil. Hope he is practicing his Portuguese. Hope you all stay safe and healthy.

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