Marijuana Australiana [full documentary]

A film by Richard Baron @Submusia ‘Homegrown cannabis culture down under.’ Presented by Carrier Signals. Conveyed by an …


  1. It was great to be a part of this during filming. I’ve seen parts of it but never the full public version. Looking forward to an evening where I can have a smoke, relax, and watch it through. Thanks Richard for all your hard work on this amazing doco.

  2. Two prescribed drugs Vioxx and bextra. Killed 115,000 ppl. Criminal intent in both cases. Over 6.6 billion dollars paid out in damages. Not one person did a day in jail. Both of these drugs were kept on the market for 12 to 20 months as these deaths escalated . Bextra had a quarter size hole formed in my stomach. I was days away from dying. Bextra was removed from the market on April 7, 2005. On my birthday. I use kratom and cannabis for my chronic pain.

  3. Marijuana is literally a miracle plant.. it's only slightly addictive and has a lot of tar but on the up side it can treat pain physical and mental, hardcore drug addiction, depression, it can help people loosen up and make it easier to socialize. Pot helps with bi polar and schizophrenia. Pot is literally the medicine EVERYONE needs but the drug companies cant make money from it so they demonize pot and pay people to create negative studies about it. psychiatrist are against pot because they have been taught to push big pharmas products….

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