The REAL Danger of Harry Harkle

I am in utter disbelief that this is just being discussed yet at the same time completely ignored. What about OUR rights and the …


  1. Does she have her dress and other outfits for other events? Is there a dress code? Will she follow it??

    Has she designed and obtained her own tiara so she can keep it to wear to other events like zoom meetings and Montecito area luncheons? Will it reflect her Nigerian roots? Did Tyler Perry pay for it?
    Will the 21,5% Nigerian grandchildren be finally officially presented to their UK subjects?

  2. It wouldn’t surprise me if TW and her pothead mother are fueling his habit in the hopes he will OD and then she can once again claim victimhood. Additionally I would like to know if he is over in the US on a Diplomatic passport because IF he is and he does kill someone he won’t be prosecuted!!

  3. The trouble is weed is so widely used people don't talk up against it any more. If anyone else had a car crash they'd be written of as a druggy and that would be it. Like you said though if it happened to Harry it would be blamed on non existent Paps.

  4. Hello
    We need a honest American cop to pull them and breathe test him . But that's never going to happen the police are probably told not to stop people in black SUV's . Can't have the police embarrassing the celebrities.

  5. you are full of it when it comes to THC, CBD helps you really, CDB is one of the 182 cannabinoids in the plant, THC is one of them. CBD doesn't work as well alone as it does with THC. Love the way you think you know the laws in the US, darling I work in the industry for medical reasons and you are still full of it.

  6. I suspect the Harkles are blackmailing Charles. He is complicit in the fraud of their children’s birth – they were not born from the loin. – Charles should not be king! Diana was right when she said that!

  7. Re: sue s dd 11mar video
    At 20:03, first time, I heard Sue condemn charles (he fully deserve it) . .except for bookworm, all commentators incl lady C, Sue, etc has been soft on charles action. Boo to charles and the monarchy ….the monarchy will end with him. He truly is weak, selfish, egotist, does not even care for his own son(william)/dil/gtandchildren. He may have give edward duke of edinburgh title to soften blow and anger of public by his giving harkles kids title. He deserve all the backlash to him by harkles and no support; since he is head, we have to say that the royal family deserves it.

    I hope the british public throw rotten eggs at the king during the coronation!!!

  8. Explanation why Harry can drive drunk or high: he is a kings son. Why he can travel with cannabis? He is a kings son. Why he is not tested for drugs at home? He is a kings son. In the US it is even worse as in other countries: you wave a statement of your bank saying your very rich, a declaration of Nobility or you can prove you are famous or have influencial political background and you can do whatever you want. In the land of righteousness (as they claim themselves to be) all people are equal. But some just a bit more 😉

  9. I am a retired RN & Midwife with a Mental health qualification also. I worked fir a couple of years in a Drug and alcohol clinic. All of those illicit drugs that JCMH freely admits to taking, some on a daily basis STAY IN THE SYSTEM sometimes for up to 6 or more weeks ! Furthermore the mixing of these drugs concurrently with prescription medicines and especially alcohol can be lethal. This is aside of the side effects. I suggest everyone investigate this issue. Clearly the authorities, especially those in US and UK are turning a blind eye! Its disgusting to say the least!

  10. I have mentioned this about private jets being used for the purpose you described. That's also the reason they want diplomatic immunity.

  11. Harry is totally free now to do drugs and not try to hide it. I think drugs is one of the main reasons behind the Harkles flying on private jets. Buckingham Palace must have known about his drug use before he even met Meghan, who has encouraged it. How can they risk the coronation on a known drug abuser? It beggars belief.

  12. The Line of Succession needs to be updated so that dna testing can be used when there is a need to prove someone is in the LOS. With Harry's children there is doubt and statements that surrogates were used. Taking dna tests would prove legitimacy. With testing it would prove if Harry supplied the sperm. Meghan's eggs do not matter in this case to prove legitimacy of royal birth. This would prove that the children are truly Harry's children one way or another.
    This would open up the possibility of using different methods of having royal children if there were any fertility problems. The dna test would show legitimacy.

  13. Prince Harry's irresponsible promotion of self-medication through drug use and his admission of using illegal drugs both in the UK prior to moving to America and currently in the US, should be enough for him to be deported. I went through the entire US immigration and citizenship process with my Irish husband, and know for a fact that he would have been deported and refused reentry for doing the same. Families have been torn apart by US Immigration for far less, in a system that is riddled with often confusing rules, hoops and traps for the vast majority of people. Fair is fair.

  14. I agree with you. It seems as if Harry who openly admits to using illicit drugs, not having to play by the same rules as others. Did he admit to illicit drug use on his immigration application? This doesn’t look good that a drug user is in such a position of influence and given a global platform.

  15. They have to use the 101 Freeway and the Pacific Coast Highway to get from Monteshitshow to LA. The Coast highway is extremely dangerous to the point where it's called blood alley in certain sections. Imagine being high AF and driving it.

  16. I learned in rehab that all addicts end up in 1 of 3 places…. recovered, institutionalized or dead. I pray he finds his way to recovery. His drug dependence is altering his critical thinking and his predator wife is pushing him closer and closer to the later outcome. That's how narcissists work. She'll suck his soul until there's nothing left and he won't know what hit him. I was married to a narcissist for 13 years and he did exactly what the wife is doing right now to Prince Harry. I wish his family would come get him and put him into a reputable inpatient facility. Things get a lot clearer when your not full of chemicals. EVERYTHING the wife is doing right now is a set up! I promise she is documenting every minute of his spiral and will use it all that he may never see his children again if he doesn't end up in jail. Mark my words. Those kids are much more than just money for her. They are manipulation tools she has FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE. She's diabolical.

  17. People seem to be unaware of the extent of drug-taking that is going on in the United States. Huge numbers of people are taking anti-depressants. Cannabis stores are popping up in small towns everywhere. On top of that, there is a deplorable movement pushing the use of hallucinogenic drugs not just in "therapeutic sessions" but on a daily basis, and this is coming from advocates in the media and in Silicon Valley, who are "microdosing" LSD regularly. The way Harry and Meghan have behaved – so irrational, delusional and so lacking in remorse – suggested very early on that both anti-anxiety and hallucinogens were playing a role. If anything good is coming out of Harry's revelations, it is that the subject is being spoken about openly, and the dangers being discussed. Until now, any speculation about his hallucinogen use was either not published or shadow-banned. Personally, I think these drugs are contributing to the irrationality of the entire woke movement.

  18. Right now H&Ms children have titles while living in acountry that does not recognize these titles. They no longer have an address/residency in the nation that does. I’d remain really calm about this. As per usual she doesn’t have a clue as to what really matters. And for that I feel desperately sorry for any child in her care.

  19. As long as Harry risks himself, the wifey and the kids, we can't do a thing. We can hope the employees will call CPS. I won't be crying for Harry & the wifey.

  20. I feel that our KC3 must be the laughing stock of the European Royalty, as King Wilhelm of the Netherlands gave him a subtle hint of what to do about them, by banning them from entering his Palace or buildings✅

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