Everything Wrong with Dr.Berg’s Channel (The Amount of Misinformation is INSANE!)

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  1. I was curious about Abbey Sharp but after watching this video – never again. Please do your own research people, these are some stupid comments.

  2. The amount of misinformation Abbey Sharp spews in THIS video is laughable. You insult your viewers intelligence. Dr Berg is not saying he eats all that food in one meal, he’s giving examples of foods that he eats in a typical dinner. The fact that you used your annoying condescending voice to flat out l!e is gr0ss.

  3. You so called doctors and experts speak as though all need the same food, infact, it depends on where one lives, what age, what work one does, existing conditions etc.

  4. Wow. Just wow. You are a snarky, ignorant, and misinformed individual. You clearly don't understand what keto is nor the science behind it. Dr. Berg, Dr. Ken Berry, Dr. Rob Cwyes and Dr. Jason Fung helped me lose over 60 lbs, get my blood sugar under control and become healthier than I have ever been in my whole life. Do some research before creating anymore clickbait content. Your combination of hubris and ignorance is what is exactly wrong with most mainstream nutritional advice today.

  5. You're insane. Maybe you would rather worship at the Altar of the Pharmaceutical Industry? Go right ahead. I suppose you also think the the "jab" is safe and effective? Thought so!

  6. Dr. Berg's videos really helped me change my life for a better one. I am healthier, have more energy, better mood, better habits… No other doctor I've seen has been able to help me like he did with his videos….

  7. I watched the first five seconds of this video…the eye roll and the insult, and turned it off. Bashing another person does not produce good fruit. The comments section on the other hand is full of good fruit. (Figuratively, that is😂)

  8. She is just mad that Dr. Berg passed on her… She tried to give him her cake but he said her cake is unhealthy and loaded with ungodly fat. Burned!

  9. Amazing to see how uninformed some people are in today's acces to information, research data and peer sharing information. Lady, you didn't even had to work that hard, to earn my "dislike". 😂

  10. first impressions: when someone tells you who they are, believe them the first time. With half your subscribers being bots, and you needing to piggyback on a popular youtuber, I'm guessing your lack of self awareness is limiting your ambitions. Bad take, repulsive sarcasm, and ratioed to boot. It's not him, it's you.

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