Bret and Heather 159th DarkHorse Podcast Livestream: Monkey Business at Pfizer

In this 159th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we discuss the state of …


  1. I watched your brother on JRE, realized now that the gatekeeper never show me your content despite the bells and such. Thank you sir, and your wife. Without people like you, I or my family might be actually dead. We are here pure blood, non of us is going anywhere. 😌

  2. Re corruption whether in courts or companies or any structure: Criminality and corruption are enabled by having incompetent middlemen so they can claim plausible deniability meaning that their mistakes are the product of incompetence rather than intentional wrongdoing. In addition those at the helm can achieve their goals easier by hiring incompetent people who are not questioning the substance of what’s transpiring. They are easier to control.

  3. Yes, simple pattern recognition gave me all the right answers regarding our government. Adams ignores patterns. Medical degree in 2018 HEAD OF R&D. Pfizer is in full on Clown Show. Hiring someone with that little experience would have been absurd just 5 years ago. I safely assume he is an affirmative action hire, probably more for being gay than being black.

  4. Scott Adams and to a lesser extent Trump have Rich Man's Delusion. Because the system had never persecuted them they assumed it was fair. Those of us who have lived in the harsh real system know how corrupt it is and were not surprised by any of these revelations of corruption. Trump kept trying to work with the system, any of us knew you had to remove the cancer from the system before it could be reformed.

  5. It's similar to media. I've had a person say who was in a position in govt to know who said, "I don't know much about other issues, but I do know for sure about x. X is being grossly mischaracterized by "name your media"." The problem is, is you don't know how wrong the media is so it is hard to quantify in your mind or create a general rule about bc the media isn't 100% inaccurate.

  6. Actually, someone once did the Math on the Coin Flipping. And its Millions to 1 AGAINST ANY SUSTAINED Sequence(es) occuring […Naturally…] Make of that what you will.

  7. “Coin-toss”… Is that why they were pushing this vaccine so aggressively? Why the unvaccinated people were literally oppressed and forced out of employment? Why the people who had the courage to ask questions were vilified as “conspiracy theorists “. What an unimaginably conceited bastard!

  8. Arrogance. They’ve gamed everybody, so now, bloated with their own immoral success and since they’ve gone well and truly down that road, without rebuke, in fact supported, there’s no pain whatsoever in going all the way. To wherever their warped minds bring them. Why? Because they can. If you’ve bypassed your conscience in a huge way, as these executives responsible for pushing out this “vaccine” regardless of the harm they clearly, knowingly, have done, chances are there are psychopaths amongst them. And if a psychopath wins, he/she will crave more winning. Actively go after it. The cost to the “ little people”is irrelevant and if they continue to succeed, their glee will be enormous along with their bonuses. That’s how psychopath’s behave. Ask Robert Hare. And when you, see no sense in doing any of that, that is because you are not a psychopath. The difference of course is that you have a conscience, they don’t.

  9. I knew Bari Weiss was a lazy thinker when I saw her comment about Tulsi Gabbard on Joe Rogan. Look up the clip. Her and Sam Harris act like controlled opposition.

  10. cringing listening to this. Brett and Heather were behind the curve for at least six months. /pol/ cvg were so far ahead of them that listening to their podcast in 2020-21 made my eyes nearly roll out of my head. also Dr Kevin McCarine does a fantastic job, and Charles Rixey. svenanon was awful though.

  11. Does anyone with historical knowledge of how scientists were perverted by the regimes of Hitler, Stalin, Mao and many others harbor any illusion about the inherent moral virtue of scientists? How about Ancel Keys?

  12. Scott constantly called Dr McCullough and many other prominent drs rogue drs and if certain info came out against the jab he would say…Google the topic followed by de-bunked which was a useless form of research seeing the google is rigged…

  13. I watched Scott every day and he said many time he got the jab so he could get laid on a beautiful Greek island…Period…

  14. Eric Weinstein had James O’Keefe on his podcast years ago and criticized his methods as off putting. Eric is no longer even on the map but James O’Keefe is changing the world.

  15. Take a vaccine that was rolled out without proper trials …it wasn't dificuklt to hold off getting the vaccine and await further details (i.e. evidence it was safe). Then governments, big pharma big tech and the mainstream media started singing from the same songsheet. they stopped doctors from treating their patients with other, less lucrative, ant-virals. Not a mention of Vitamin D! The longer I waited … the less chance of taking it. Once the persecution of the unvaccinated started, they lost me completely! All these 'smart' people just took it and then joined the joined the persecutors (strong word but damn close). many of these dolts have still not woken up! Their was nothing scientific about any of this. Listening to Darkhorse, I now realise that science is never 'settled'.

  16. Bret I just heard u mention vaccination. Again I recommend y'all read DISSOLVING ILLUSIONS by Dr Suzanne Humphries. Heather is tooting the party line as she's mesmerized by the heavy duty propaganda that's been created around vaxes for over hundred years. pletase do your research by reading this book and then get back to us. We do value your opinion but when you speak of vaccinations you have NOT updated your information in any way shape or form as this book was printed in 2013 and has been available therefore for almost a decade. ONCE you've read the book, u won't be reciting the same old, rehashed ideas that no longer work.

  17. Re vit D: thanks for mentioning this vitamin because I think even with your correction you don't quite have it yet. Much to my amazement in the United States– and that's North and the South regardless of the amount of sun– people are not making enough vitamin D and that is irregardless of age . Older people have more difficulty but young people also r being found deficient in vitamin D. Definitely getting sun is important in large part not just because of the vitamin D it creates but because of the ultraviolet light that you are exposed to which is essential for our well-being. BUT even if you're in the sun 24/7 in Florida you will probably NOT make enough vitamin D which was what my situation was. I was shocked when having an annual blood test I was told I was low in vitamin D. BUT the minute I took vitamin D that slight fatigue I had felt doing yoga and bike riding disappeared immediately and I knew they were right THAT'S when I began my research on vit D which was seven years ago. YOU must have BOTH supplementation plus sunlight in order to maximize your well-being and your production of vitamin D– these being being related but distinct things. Some of my ideas came from Med Cram's discussion of LIGHT by Dr Seheult ( I would not refer to him tho for info re vax. )
    I'd love you to do an in-depth investigation of American's need for vitamin D supplementation from an evolutionary biologist's perspective. Thx

  18. Having had worked in research labs in the past, having a masters degree in Biology, having read anything and everything I could get my hands on at the beginning of the pandemic, having listened to people like you and analyzing what you were saying, I made a very informed decision on what to do. I consider myself lucky, but it was not a lucky guess or random chance that formed my decision.

  19. Thank you for the links – especially the one to the Veritas video. Chilling not only because of what that 'creature' so casually spewed out, and the reasons were blatantly obvious, but because it hit me on a more personal level too.

    I can't help but think that anyone who has had a spouse cheat on them recognized all of his moves as ones similar to our spouses throwing us under-the-bus simply in order to get laid.  

    Classic behavior, pathetic and terrifying because, as all could see who watched it, the 'creature' cared not one iota for the lives of the people his behavior or Pfizer's, has had and will have reaching far, far into the future.

    No recognition of what he is involved in is horrific beyond words.' None.

    Luckily for us all, he spewed his dirty little secrets on a person with integrity.

    Can't be said of the all of the women who co-conspired with the person I used to be married to. Oh my heart aches for my children and my heart aches for all who have suffered, and will suffer, because of all that has happened these past 3 years.  

    Gaslighting and lying are evil in my book.


  20. I believe the whole rationale in favor of gain of function is purposely misleading.
    They say gain of function is necessary in order to create vaccines and to see how a particular pathogen will behave when it is more virulent and deadly.

    BUT if pathogens tend to become weaker as they evolve… then by that logic a virus in its natural state would never get more deadly. Am I wrong?
    There is only one need for a technology like gain of function and that is if it was being used in a military capacity.

    The fraud is in the commercial news and how it informs the public with the messaging it choses.

  21. I swear, high level teachers are the best. I don't know how they have grown up with this kind of temperament but I am grateful for them.
    This duo is very level.
    Maybe we are conditioned to attach our loyalties to something or someone that makes us feel affirmed in our beliefs and then we are devastated when that product or person let's us down.
    If that's true maybe the majority of people whether academics or otherwise need your understanding of the idea that being right isn't going to always be the outcome. Finding the truth is a process that must always include our openness to the inevitability that we can be wrong along the way.
    The campfire discussion is a great metaphor as well.

  22. Must say re: cats. Respect of sovereign rights is not perceived on intellect quotient,a self perspective or gender. So is an identity, it’s is a ‘what you get is what you give’.
    For example if you give a cat it’s ‘territory’ per say it in turns respects yours. Id is interwoven.

  23. 1:23:12 He gained a function.

    I think it was Jimmy Dore who said:
    Worst date ever. He went from hoping to get laid to going on record linking himself to crimes against humanity.

    I’ve heard in recent years that young adults, rookies in the professional world, because of how we raised them, do not deal well with frustration or setbacks.

  24. I would be very careful trying to interpret anything from Scott Adams, especially in a forum such as yours where the last thing you want to do is confuse your audience.

    I cannot tell when Scott Adams is serious and when he’s tongue in cheek.

    He says, repeatedly, that he thinks we’re in a simulation. Does he really?

    He says repeatedly that the school teachers’ union is responsible for systemic racism. Really?

    He talked about the vaccine for months and it prompted me to post a comment that I could not tell if he supported the vaccine or not, to which someone replied that they were sure that he did!

    He uses the term ‘fog of war’ to describe how no one can really know what’s going on in the early stages of something like COVID. When he says that some got it right and he got it wrong, I think he is being sarcastic, i.e. “You called a coin toss in the fog of war and got it right. OK you win.”

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