Dog Seizures! What Next with Dr. Dan

Hi everyone! My name is Dan, and I am a veterinarian. Today I am talking about seizures in dogs. Seizures can happen in dogs …


  1. Thank you for breaking it down like you did. My Standard poodle has her 1st one 2 years ago this week. She seems to have about 10 a year. The first 2 she had (4 months apart) were well over 3 minutes. She can feel them coming on and tries to come find me. The rest have been about 2-3 min. Comes out of them very euphoric and happy. She just had one Dec 28th, 2022 and it was almost 8 minutes long. I know this because I try and video them in case my vet or anyone needs to see them. She is on 125mg Zonisamide twice a day. Anyway my point is that I very much appreciated your video. Valerie

  2. As always, very interesting. One of my late dogs had seizures. The first time I saw it, I hollered at my son, “did you accidentally put vodka in her water bowl?” She was staggering, unable to stand up for more than a few seconds, foaming at the mouth. I took her to the vet, who diagnosed canine vestibular syndrome. He said, just put her in a crate or quiet closet, keep her calm and isolated. She did have several more episodes during her life, but at least I knew what it was, and didn’t freak out.

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