L-Theanine and GABA Supplementation

Welcome to Catalyst University! I am Kevin Tokoph, PT, DPT. I hope you enjoy the video! Please leave a like and subscribe!


  1. It's nice to get some responses from people actually taking this.

    It took about four days for me to really notice the effects, but it improved my sleep immensely, and cut way way down on my more manic episodes. In this regard I think it improved focus. I felt more relaxed in social situations, and love the way this curbs the nasty side effects of coffee. Namely it gets rid of the jitters, muscle tension, increase in blood pressure rate, etc. It gives you clarity and focus. I can see why they combine it with caffeine. Nice combo.

    What it doesn't do: I take probably 15 benzodiazepines per year for extreme panic attacks. L-theranine is not a benzodiazepine, and it's not going to curb the extreme anxiety or panic. Depending on how severe your attacks are it may be strong enough though, and getting off benzodiazepines is a very good thing. I think they are wonderful, but I don't like to use them more than two days at most. The withdrawal is horrible, and I would say taking them with L-theranine is even worse as I become extremely lethargic when the benzo wears off.

    I think one of the reasons L-theranine doesn't work as well as a benzo is it doesn't do anything to control cortisol. That what give you the fight, flight , freeze response. So if you get a queasy stomach, diarrhea, bad muscle tension, etc. over anxiety you will probably still need something else for the extreme stressful situations.

    Ashwaganda does work on cortisol, but it's pretty mild. I also have read it increases testosterone. The drawback here is testosterone and cortisol are highest in the morning, so I noticed I got very panicked first thing in the morning. L-theranine alone doesn't do this.

    If anyone has found something other than benzodiazepines to control extreme panic, I love to hear about it. I still have to take the benzos for panic attacks, but this supplement is really wonderful, and overall has little side effects.

    Most of the other ones I've taken leave me pretty sleepy, or upset my stomach, etc. I do find L-theranine can upset my stomach if I take it on an empty stomach, so try to combine with food.

  2. I always want these things to work but for some reason anything I try that is supposed to bring relaxation: ashwaganda, reishi and now L-theanine just give me an awful anxiety. Why ??

  3. Great video very helpful I did buy some altheanine I have not used it yet I'm about 155 lb how much milligrams should I take for it to be effective in your opinion

  4. Been on benzos for 7 years and I've had enough of being in fear of dying from addiction. I randomly took gaba and l-theanine when I had to go 33 days between fills before and it helped a lot. I'm planning to start getting off benzos. They've ruined my life. To say the combination of gaba+ l-theanine doesn't work is pure hogwash from big pharma. Even peer reviewed studies have showed the sleep and relaxation/anti-anxiety benefit.

  5. Do we built tolerance to it after a while? Or does it work forever? We have to cycle it? I had some good supplements that did wonders (DHEA & Pregnenolone) but stopped working after couple weeks. Same for Boron.

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  7. Hey there, it’d be interesting to know why Ltheanine affects some people negatively. Is it potentially interacting with anti depressant medication or is there a fine line on how much is too much for some people 🙂

  8. Possible GABA is going through BBB when NO is present. Pubmed.ncbi
    I work out a lot and that produces NO. I also take Citrulline Malate and French Maritime Bark, which also increases NO. I take GABA in powder under my tongue and feel it's effects within ten minutes. Although its possible at that point its only affecting my autonomous nerves. But it relaxes me very quickly, nonetheless.

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