CBS rejects Super Bowl ad touting medical marijuana

A cannabis company wanted to air an ad during the Super Bowl about the benefits of medical marijuana. But CBS rejected it.


  1. End the War on Drugs which is just a cover for the war on the oppressed people. Alcohol has an easily achievable lethal dose. Cannabis doesn’t have a lethal dose. So why the legal disparities? Wasn’t our safety the excuse? So then why the disconnect with reality? Its just a cover for classist and racist exploitation. Legalize it all and open legal markets with oversight for drug purity.

  2. Don't we remember all the ads for aspirin, tylenol, ibuprofen etc. . Not to mention cigarettes ( Winston tastes good like a cigarette should).But I can see that they dont want to find out many pot smokers die young. As with cigarettes.

  3. I just find it funny how they just talk about this incident in a neutral but slightly negative light (as they should) then oh by the way don’t forget the suberbowl this Sunday on CBS… Yeah i know we just slagged ourselves off but it doesn’t mean we still don’t want your money

  4. I use medical marijuana for medical purposes and it's actually gotten me off of wanting pain pills and I do not want to do other drugs it is not a gateway for other drugs it is used for medicine I don't get other people who don't understand I need to do more research and find out what it's really about it's nothing but good it helps tremendously

  5. Just remember that the ad showed a kid having his seizures removed for the first time in his life through medical weed, and they banned it, yet they spent 30 percent of commercial run time shoving ads of life ruining and deadly alcohol down our throats like it’s not big deal. That CEO looks like a real class act IMO sounds like a real good guy for protecting our children from the dangers of seeing pot save a child’s life

  6. Such a violent sport where its players are seriously injured yearly but they are more concerned of the possible gateway effects of medical marijuana. They should be more concerned about players being hooked on pain meds that medical practitioners prescribe to injured players.

  7. Falcons owner says the gateway drug affect???? Didn't that TE Nate Jackson just say that he was already prescribed vicodins right off the bat? And you want to talk about gateway drug when you are given pharmaceuticals and reversing to marijuanas. That is no gateway to me

  8. I hate when people still think it's a gateway drug. I know plenty of people…and myself included have smoked and never once thought about trying something more. It's not about that at all

  9. ‘Afraid of the gateway effect’ are you kidding me?!? Your prescribing opioid narcotics (the strongest drugs) and worried about the gateway effect of marijuana? Just shows old men stuck in their stupid ways.

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