Armed robbery at Joburg CBD church

A gang entered a church in the Johannesburg city centre and robbed congregants. Bishop Malusi Mpumlwana of the South …


  1. This is disturbing thugs robbing churches what's wrong in South Africa especially they taking your cell phone money they have no mercy I'm very scared 😭 😳😔

  2. The difference between criminals and pastors is that one is using a gun while other ke bibble. Most families suffered inthe hands of certain pastors, kgale ba tseya dichelete tsa batho

  3. But pastors prophets steal from the poor y cnt the poor steal from the same church they give tithes. Playing victim when u been stealing from the poor emotionally & preaching’s all the same no difference.on the judgment day u will both have to justify your stealing acts

  4. During Covid 19..the police where all over monitoring churches..why can't they do it now..(selective policing/security)..and those who were snitching against the non vaccinated..think its their turn now to look out for the churches.. they had plenty of time checking which church was opened..

  5. Yes they can rob any church whether its a true church also, God's own people can get murdered also, i know this, if God sends his angels for protection on certain matters concerning his works on earth then the demons run. I will tell you where God helped my daughter in law, she is a true follower of Christ, a bolt taxi driver came to escort her, and his car wouldn't start, we pushed, and pushed, still it didnt start, and the guy looked suspicious, so i told her get out, and i told him she is not going in his car, i believe Gods angels blocked his car from riding with her, after she climb out, his car started on its own and he left, if you pray for protection God can if he wants to send his angels

  6. That's a different robbery style, but Bushiri, Lukau , Makandiwa they also rob the church but use deceptive tactics, non violent means, no guns, no knives

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