Pot growing granny takes on Ypsilanti Township over her 55 weed plants | FOX 2 News Detroit

Should Judith Pontius, 79, be allowed to grow her 55 medical marijuana plants in her basement? Her township says no. But she …


  1. Leave her ALONE! Anyone picking on caregiver granny should backoff and take a second to realize she is only helping g others and making edibles. She's not bagging up and selling black market or anything she's all legal which is why this is silly.

    **I think someone in her local city has it out for her**

  2. It's all about the money. They force people into the industrial areas and get in their pockets because of their greed. Government and politicians equal greed and self-righteousness. Does anyone remember Chris Christy? A US politician that would have let a little girl die if her father wouldn't have cornered him live on camera to confront him publicly to allow life saving CBD to control seizures that were killing his daughter. I still can't believe people allow that scumbag to remain in office after that. He had no regard for a child's life until someone cornered him like the rat he is and exposed him publicly.

  3. Makes no damn since .leave her alone stupid law rules let people do what they want to do it's a plant that helps her and many other people .it's okay for government to sale it and grow a million plants and lock people up for a joint in other states makes no damn since government is trash and one day everyone is gonna get tired and turn on them

  4. I think if she has a few roommates, they each could grow 12 plants..some just use string to separate the caregivers plants.and tag team medical cards to allow more plants..
    She should chop all but 12 plants now..bud looked pretty far into flower. Make edibles and extraction dab hits..

  5. It is absolutely amazing how White's twist themselves into knots, to escape the Law. I do hope she does get off, It will prove what I'm saying. Judges, Lawyers, are hack's.

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