Joe Rogan Exposed The Truth, Desantis vs Trump, Nikita Dragun sent to a Men’s Jail?, & More

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  1. My favorite part of the Twitter checkmark drama was Tumbler charging 7.99 for checkmarks that they explicitly said were meaningless, but stackable, and watching all the Tumblrinas jump on it in protest of Twitter. One of my mutuals said hers capped out at 24 checkmarks. Pure chaos. And it supports a site people actually use. Love it.

  2. There are a lot more democrats than republicans,every news network on cable tv is owned by democrats,only democrats are hired to work for all the Chanel’s,and after 6 yrs all they do on every ch. is try to crucify Trump,surprised any republican gets elected,it’s so partisan So one sided ,the view jimmy Fallon every body on cable tv is one sided And there are 2 sides to every storyBut not on Cable T.V…

  3. Yes. In Florida though they’ll put her separate from the men. It happens all the time. When I worked in booking as a nurse I had one girl tell me “I’m a man in here because I don’t want housed by myself. “

  4. One week later and we still don't have all the results. That is why people question the election. The mail in voting we were told was for covid only are still here and no one is questioning it.

  5. Who cares this much about check marks – people are dumb. As for impersonation – always double-check the source. That said I tend to agree with the try new things, keep what works approach.

  6. Republicans and Democrats alike said there would be a red wave – but they overestimated the intelligence of the voters. People who have done nothing but bitch and complain about their party, candidate, or the policy and decisions those people made still voted for those same people and policy. NOBODY votes on merit anymore. They vote for what side they've been on the longest. This is definitely gonna sound like a brag, but I voted for the republican, democrat, libertarian, and constitutional parties. I'll admit I did cast a vote for the lesser of 2 evils for governor, but the others I picked who I thought could best do the job and do what's best for the state. Even if I'm not a huge fan.

  7. I know she was acquitted, however isn’t there the son of Sam ban for people in prison? America, except for THAT jury had already decided she was/is guilty.
    I worked for a company that it was a big no no to even just think about checking for texts.. however during this trial all our computers were streaming, we were fuming, and it crazy she is free.
    I want to watch it to see what it’s about, and I also feel she shouldn’t get a platform… but maybe she will still not change our minds and we won’t repeat this mistake

  8. Love the show Phil. Always informative and entertaining. I am 50 years old so you keep me informed on a lot of the younger generations important news. Thanks and best of luck to you and your family.

  9. VRChat is a shit show because its a reflection of the "wild west" parts of the internet and is mostly free (as in freedom). Unless the creators fk up more like they did when they implemented EasyAnticheat it'll always be better than the Metaverse and any other similar platform. Facebook on the other hand invades your privacy, sells your private info without telling you, exercises too much injustice when policing their platform, and probably spies on us.

  10. 5:30 "if they win, I should get all the credit. And if they loose, I should not be blamed at all."

    He really does sound like GOD.
    It's no wonder so many Christian indoctrinated folks find it easy to carry on worshiping him no matter what.

  11. I think that if the Dems don't get better about pushing back on culture war lies and if they don't remove the insane super progressives from their party, they're going to lose most minority votes from middle aged voters.

  12. So, DeSantis changed election laws to make it more difficult to vote, he arrested an djailed people for voting, and he redistricted and gerrymandered his ass off. The truth is, if it wasn't for all that gerrymandering, it would have been a blue wave and we all know it. We all know that in a lot of these ridings, republicans need like 1/3 of the votes to win and they are still barely above water. We need to fix the gerrymandering.

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