1. whos this benifit ? the government…while citizens lose their jobs and are being USED for profit while still being denied jobs and fired by random screening…30+days and you can still get fired so whys everyone clapping ?

  2. Yea Patrick Kennedy a pill popping alcoholic that works for this fake non profit funded by the drug companies. SAM wants to keep you on synthetic heroin.

  3. Tax revenues "haven't materialized in the other legal states?" — That's a pure lie! – The story just came out the other day that Colorado has passed ONE BILLION DOLLARS in tax revenues from their legal marijuana! – Sorry, but this really is FAKE NEWS.

  4. You have Kevin Sabet's fake group SAM? He's nothing but a propaganda shill for the prohibitionist pharmaceutical companies and bogus "treatment" quacks. — The three big "harms" of legalizing? – Accidents? – No. The most authoritative research shows marijuana is NOT a significant cause of auto accidents. – The "psychosis" is totally bogus, Reefer Madness. –
    Novice consumers sometimes take too much, feel ill, get scared and go to the hospital, but they are never in any danger. NO ONE has ever died from consuming marijuana in all of recorded history. – The "treatment" they get when they go to the hospital is a couple of hours rest with, perhaps, a mild sedative for the scare. Then, they are good to go – every time. –
    This rarely happens with experienced consumers. If it does, they know they will do better just lying down at home for a while. — Marijuana: NOT guilty as charged. — The REAL science and widespread experience have shown marijuana has NO significant harms.

  5. Mistake!!! If you were hit head on in a car accident by someone on Cannabis, bc they choose to use it and drive a car, you would understand. 2 Years of PT, totaled car and had to use my own insurance bc the Cannibas user didn't have any.

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