1. Wonder what city or town your living in now. Just re joined. Wonder if we come to Ecuador in March or April of next year if we could hire you guys to pick your brain and show us around your area for a week. We are a older couple but getting feed up, if you know what I mean. Being old heath cost and coverage will be very important to us. I quick question, does heath insurance go up with age?? Thanks. Waiting for your info. George and Gretchen

  2. Have you ever thought of the harm to local communities? Prices go up when there is a demand especially from "gringos" it is happening in Cuenca and Manta. It would be would to incorporate to the locals and pay local prices no gringo prices. Ecuador is developing, if you want developed nations please go somewhere else, please!!!

  3. Helo JP & Amelia, you are right about medical prices. The chipper dental implant here in MD cost about $4,000 – four thousand. My niece went to Ecuador three months ago and pay only $600.
    I hope you had a nice birthday celebration 🎂. Great video 👍

  4. In one of your earlier vids there was some political commentary in the comments. I see u requested not to now. A fair request. Was me I think.

    Yeah you're right. Part of why I left the US (to Costa Tico Rica) was to get away from that & in an act of masochism I guess I went back to chatting about it :).
    Anyhoo.. in CR here there was an election a few mos ago.. starkly diff than US. People held up flags / banners for the person(s) they like but… everyone was civil… none of this Jerry Springeresque bickering / fighting like I saw in USA. It probably happens but by far it was more pleasant…

  5. If you are thinking about leaving Ecuador, consider Colombia.
    Fascinating,diverse, and economical.
    Consider the Rio Negro area near Medellin. It's by the airport. About 6500-7000 ft. A new tunnel makes it easy to get to Medellin. Lots of fresh air. As Medellin is down in a steep valley filled with 4 million people.
    Pereira is also nice.

  6. Hey guys. My husband and I have been watching you both and are thinking of doing the same. But we have a bunch of pets. Do you have any? Did you. What did you do with them if you had them.

  7. One time in Ecuador we rented a small car to travel to a ruin not far away. Well, not far away was an understatement. Just as we got the site in view we encountered a road maintenance crew installing a cross road culvert! The road back to Banos would be real tedious so we engaged the workers about their schedule. What schedule they said we will be here all day! They formed a small huddle and returned to us with a solution. if we would be kind enough to leave the car they would deal with the obstacle. Seven or eight men then physically carried the vehicle over the trench and we were on our way. Not even a tip asked for. Living in a foreign country can be so rewarding at the most inappropriate moments….we bored our friends to death with this tail during the rest of our visit. Bill and Cate

  8. I'm not a vegan but I do miss those Veggie Lovers videos from the beginning. I have actually watched every single one of the videos you have posted to YouTube. Some of them more than once. Keep up the stellar content, and I will keep watching.

  9. Hola 🌸 We just got back from Ecuador, thanks to you 2! We've been watching your videos for years and the brainwashing finally kicked in so we booked our trip to the Galapagos and Salinas/Guayaquil and up to Puerto Lopez and thoroughly enjoyed all of it. Loved the weather and food and the people were generally nice and patient with my combination of a single spanish word, sign language and nodding 😁. The one thing I would emphasize is theres no need for brightly colored cruise-wear even on the beaches – at least in my experience. We stopped in Olon and ate at SOUTH INDIAN!!!!. Absolutely delish, thanks for recommending it. We looked at a few apartments with Amy Prisco in Salinas to get a sense of accommodation on the beach. We hired a driver through you to get from Guayaquil to Salinas and then we took a bus, by ourselves, back to Guayaquil in the evening, in the dark and it was safe and easy. The bus depot in Guayaquil is in the mall so it felt very safe when we showed up at 7:30pm. A funny thing happened on the gondola in Guayaquil at Malacon 2000. There was a young, well-dressed couple in the gondola with us who were speaking in Spanish intently and all of a sudden I heard the fellow say "Amelia and JP" then a couple of more sentences and "Amelia and JP" again. I didnt ask about it because neither of us speak Spanish but we did have a chuckle after they got off. You're on the lips of everyone, everywhere 🥰. We ate Pacari chocolate, those unusual avocados you featured on one of your field-trips, ate Ecuadorian food at the Holiday Inn by the Guayaquil airport for Guayaquil Day, and much more. We thoroughly enjoyed what we saw of the country and are saving up to see Cuenca and the hotspings, the hummingbirds, the orchids and really, as many of your field trips as we can. The stay on the Galapagos islands was one of the most relaxing trips we've had in years. Well worth the cost and effort to get there. Thank you again for sharing your change of life with the world. All your documented experiences gave us a really wonderful and memorable trip 🥰🥰

  10. Thank you for your robust weekly updates and insights on being an expat in Ecuador? . Curious how you would spend your time if you were not doing YouTube videos? Having been retired for awhile we usually fill our days in the morning at the gym or pickle ball but afternoons are unscheduled. Do you take advantage of your expat network or are there volunteer opportunities to somewhat functional Spanish speakers? Thank you

  11. TRULY an indictment on America's "advanced healthcare system", when WE suffer over a MILLION Covid deaths – while "backward" nations like Ecuador are now doing FINE.

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