1. Greetings from Finnish M.D.! I dug deep into endocannabinoid system and CBD, when prepared a lecture about cannabidiol to doctors specialized in substance abuse medicine. Watch YouTube channel Kasasen kootut – > "CBD eli kannabidioli – luento Päihdelääketieteen päivillä 4.3.21. ENGLISH SUBTITLES " Issues (including the schemes of Big Pharma) and time points are in the comment section.

  2. I loved your vid! I've been trying to find for a YouTube video that breaks down the topics in this video! 👩‍⚕️ 🧑‍⚕️ That descriptions at 1:11 is super informative. Your lesson is like the videos of Dr. Ethan. Ethan's explanations are totally informative and he actually helped me a lot on my diet! He is an educational med student in the UK and he teaches diabetes and medical school.

    I recommend you watch his YouTube out and give the med student a like! ➡️ #DoctorEthanOnYouTube

  3. If our bodies have evolved to have these plant receptors, then it stands to reason that we should be consuming the whole plant (CBD, THC, CBN, terpenes, etc). That is the principle of Herbalism, that the whole plant is beneficial.

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