Causes and Symptoms of Cat Seizures

What can cause a cat to have seizures, and how do you recognize when one is happening? Here’s how to deal with seizures in …


  1. My cat has been jumping out of his sleep and taking a step back and then going back to sleep for it to happen about 10-30 mins later I’m not sure if they’re seizures but they’re too frequent and he was hit by a car about a month ago and I just adopted him he was fine up until just yesterday I’m so scared for him

  2. My cat Oliver was 13.5 years old. He started having seizures on July 31st. It was a Sunday and the vet was closed. The seizures came faster and faster until they were every 15 minutes throughout the night. It was horrific !!! The vet didn't open until Monday morning at 9am. He passed away at 7:45am.
    I love you baby Oliver ❤🐺
    Mommy misses you ❤
    Oliver Rossy – February 18, 2009 to August 1st 2022.
    See you on the otherside little boy….

  3. My cat had a seizure this morning, I pray it is just a one time thing, he’s two years old now but when he was a year old he had a terrible bacterial infection from a flea and his temperature rose to 106° and then to 107° when we got to the vet clinic, I hope he didn’t suffer any brain damage from it…

  4. Take it to a chiropractor! It cured mine within only two adjustment s! Aren't like humans they don't need adjustments all the time they don't have the stress we do so it doesn't take many

  5. Sadly my cat have that sickness from his 4 months of age. Now he is 1 year old. And hi is still haveing that problem continuously ones in a wick . Unfortunately i live in a place whare is no cat's doctors. So just tell me what i can do for him?

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