Cannabis and Erectile Dysfunction @The CBD Expert, Dr. Rachna Patel

In this video, I talk with Dr. Rachna Patel, the CBD expert to discuss the role of cannabis use on sexual function. She shares some …


  1. A lot more research needs to be conducted, but many people in the survey agree that Cannabis and CBD have positively impacted their sexual lives. Interestingly, the benefits of cannabis extend to this.

  2. If anything cannabis helps me in this department, against myths of what you may read about Ed and cannabis.

    If you’re baked out of your mind and under a couch lock, of course you may not be able to function, but that should be common sense.

  3. If you smoke weed only before sex, all good, you’ll get rock hard erections, If you use weed multiple times during the day you’re numb every second so you present ED, that’s my personal experience, do it only when needed and weed is your ally.

  4. I’m 40, active and healthy. There are some good terpines found in cannabis that increase sex drive and pleasure, and make you last longer. But I also don’t smoke everyday, probably 3 times a week. But I don’t notice any decreased functioning of the equipment, it’s actually better. Just my experience/research. It’s all for science!

  5. Wow I’m almost surprised how Dr Osaye would be able to cure my Ed ,and also so much understanding and has a heart to calm you down,you’d shock the world to be able to cure HIV or any virus …

  6. People love to be appreciated. It inspires us to do more,thank you Dr oiwoh for doing what no other doctor could do, thank you for curing me of erectiledysfunction,you are amazing,,,,,

  7. LOL, until recently I hadn't realized that Mario updated his favorite way to tackle ED and it's a relief! Although what he previously suggested was pretty good, it was a real pain to follow… go'ogle Mario's Thunderous Erections, you'll see why it's so much easier and potent now!

  8. Meeting you Dr osaye on YouTube is like meeting God himself because, you have done in my life what no other doctor could do.thank you for curing my genital dysfunction you are a life saver….

  9. Having herpes is not the end of life for there is a permanent cure for it through Dr okosun on YouTube, for he cured I and my wife permanently from herpes and HIV and could cure you too

  10. He’s not wrong My sex drive was through the roof before weed when I only played basketball and now I’m a daily weed smoker who can still use it but it’s just not on spot on like it use to

  11. In the past 7 years of my life i have never been so embarrassed in my emotional life, i get ridiculed by my partners and i have had 6 breakups due to this problem, during my early youth days i was into high masturbation and this really affected me and i began to have premature ejaculation and weak erection problems. I have tried a lot of therapies and medication but none of them worked. I was opportuned to read a post of appreciation to Dr TOBELE  by someone (James Wong) of  how Dr TOBELE  helped him with a permanent cure and I contacted the doctor his via email and that was all. He sent me a very powerful medication which I used as he said. My erection is back real strong and with no side effects and i can perform crazily in bed now (lol). Do not hide in silence, weak erection (ED) has a permanent cure and I am a living witness of it. You too can contact him on (  or you can whatsapp him (+2349133831398)
    Thank you doctor for helping me out of shame and disgrace 
    Once again thank you doctor

  12. Health is Gut Bacteria
    Good Gut bacteria is Vit. D3
    Almost every thing else is consequences of bad gut bacteria.
    Simple ha?
    Don't forget to get sunshine.

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