Can You Own A Gun With A Medical Marijuana Card?

In today’s Legal Brief, we welcome guest vlogger, Attorney Bradley Lightbourne. Mr. Lightbourne recently had a client who was …


  1. Very sad that the political egotistical fools who think they can save the world forget that the constitution was written to keep them from doing exactly what they are doing, being in our business for no reason other then revenue for the criminals of the state and fed governments!!!!

  2. I hate that word "allowed" when talking about guns and self protection. Im am a responsible respectful adult who doesn't need to be told I'm "allowed" to do something, as long as I don't bother or hurt anyone else, I shouldn't be parented about my how i want to be prepared to protect myself against idiots!!

  3. These issues have been around well before medical marijuana was even a concept. There've been several cases where people get prescription painkillers for a multitude of different reasons and then get slapped with federal charges because they also have firearms at the same time.

  4. So say if you want to get a medical card for at home use you would be perfectly fine then to carry your ccw and your license as long as you have no thc containing substances in the vehicle or on person if stopped by a federal agent. Dumb question but what would be the odds of you getting pulled over by one of them at random. I live in PA so if this us for Florida then the laws may be a little different but mostly the same. You can have a ccw and you can have a MMC. So you won't get in trouble if a municipal officer, county sheriff or a state trooper would happen to stop you?

  5. Given the fact that the constitution was printed on cannabis hemp paper 14 years after it’s ratified means I’m sure the founding fathers could give two shits about cannabis

  6. From what I understand it don't matter what state you're in its Federal it's against the law federally guns under federal law it is against the law to possess a firearm while possessing or taking a controlled substance

  7. A gun or a joint. I'll keep my guns. But you can drink and having a gun. Go figure. Have to wear a seat belt in a car but no helmet on a bike. Go figure. This country if so screwed up. It's all about money

  8. How about we are all fucking adults and can make our own decisions for ourselves. As long as we don't hurt or impose our wills on others.
    This ain't the land of the free anymore. You feel?

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