1. 1 main reson why marijuana is illegal it's because not anyone can handle the effects
    2nd is the tax why would a government let freelancing dealers make tons of money that can potentialy ruin their cities
    3rd some use it for recreational purpose you need to have some thorough knowledge or atleast background check on what you will consume wich not everyone can achieve
    4th hard to admit but it is addictive …
    #onelove 👌

  2. I quit weed when I started following Jesus: stay sober minded and vigilant the Bible says for the devil lurks around looking for someone to devour

  3. Stop calling it a drug. A drug is altered, concentrated, or artificially produced. Marijuana is an herb. Produced naturally through cultivation and cross breeding. Just like all produce at the market. Coffee is the manufactured drug.

  4. Pot is illegal because the U.S government ownes a patent on the plant and anyone who grows it is growing it illegal. U can look up the patent number by googleing it . And since they own the patent its technically illegal for anyome to grow it do to patent infringement. Thats why its illegal.

  5. One thing that strikes a nerv, that all these fucks responsible for making it illegal, maintaining that status or even worsen it, being responsible for many lives being messed up due to these policies, that these assholes will never have to face any consequences.

  6. Good for the US, but what about all the nations the US put unter pressure so they have similar or even stricter laws concerning marijuana and other drugs? Leader of the resticted world ^^

  7. Even if it’s made completely legal across the country, I still wouldn’t do it. I could never enjoy it. I tried when I was younger and it only made me have anxiety and panic attacks. 🤷🏻‍♂️ though, it’s true of every chemical – most things have reversed effect for me.

  8. They passed a law stripping voting rights from felons.
    It seemed reasonable.
    Then, they made possession of pot a felony and disenfranchised the Hippies and the Blacks.
    It seems unreasonable.
    Republicans didn't like people who were for equal rights for women, for civil rights for minorities, and against the war in Vietnam.
    It seems political.
    Removing so many people from the voting roles changed the country.

  9. Marijuana is good for your lungs it could help you with stuff like pneumonia when you smoke weed you don’t have a cough at all 😎 It’s 💊

  10. I am one of the 99% of Americans who are 100% tired of the DEA and federal government's bullshit!
    How about we pardon EVERY single non-violent Marijuana/Cannabis offender that is in the prison system!?!?!?!

  11. Regurgitating the narrative. Weathy industrialists lobbied for cannabis prohibition using this narrative because the hemp industry represented a threat to textile, oil, paper, and pharmaceutical industries.

  12. Its illegal because weed heals people and the government wants us to depend on the man made drugs so we keep getting sick it's a never ending story really

  13. I think its a blessing from God to help people who are really sick but its not for normal healthy people. But its causes heart problems and brain changes. I know a friend who smoked for 10 years straight everyday every 2 hours and now he has a heart problem.

  14. First off, its political. The more black people that they can arrest for weed, means the more black people with criminal records which means less black people (who usually lean democrat) can't vote. Also, less of them getting good jobs due to the criminal records.

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