The dangers of vaping CBD oil

Dr. Cass Ingram, author of “The Hemp Oil Miracle” discusses the health risks of vaping CBD oil and other products and offers …


  1. Conservatives when someone doesn't get the vaccine: That is okay, they should be free to make their own decisions.

    Conservatives when someone recreationally smokes weed or heroin once in a while: No.

  2. Full spectrum drops helps anxiety, inflammation helps with rhematoid arthritis, balance , confidence , sense of well being, as well as not getting u high but making u see the world as just that much more of a beautifull place honestly it's legal now try it for urselfs if u have any of the above and even more

  3. Is this fear mongering paid for by big pharma? Good thing my generation dosen't watch the news, we are educated enough to do our own research.

  4. This bloke actually hadn't got a clue what he's on about. Vaping has been around nearly 20 years now (cigalikes) if everyone was vaping 'antifreeze' we would all he dead.

    Don't believe me.. take a shot glass of actual antifreeze. You'll be dead. Lol

  5. Who else is vaping CBD while watching and listening lol no but seriously he talk about the human body is only supposed to inhale oxygen how do we know that oxygen isn't very slowly killing all of us right now plus the human body has an endocanabanoid system

  6. So once again we have an "expert" who knows absolutely nothing about the subject and his one and only reason for claiming it is dangerous is to sell his snakeoil. If you are buying CBD e liquid from a legit company and not made by some clown in their garage it is perfectly safe and not dangerous at all. Do not be scared from fearmongering mainstream networks like this and like everything if you are unsure do your own research on the subject and never take anyones word for it.

  7. Here another whole just trying to sell his own crap. This is th he thing with people they put other products down and all just to promote theirs. Wow nothing has changed people.

  8. It's true there's a lot of terrible ingredients but mine is just full spectrum distillate with terpenes within a ceramic cartridge with no heavy metals.

  9. everything wants a limit but it is vegetable it is good once in a while but the oil because it is extremely different from smoking normal? however it helps a lot in thinking relaxes is so dangerous from the drugs they give to the world saying it does good; and for the oil is different though?

  10. Propylene glycol isn't in antifreeze, ethylene glycol is. This 'doctor' clearly can't read medicine labels as propylene glycol is used in cough syrup, liquid medication capsules, injectable benzodiazepine preparations (excluding midazolam which is water soluble) as well as food flavouring.
    Propylene glycol is perfectly safe to consume.
    Ethylene glycol will cause calcium oxalate crystals to shred your kidneys and has been used as a poison (due to it's sweet taste) for decades which is why antifreeze now comes with denatonium benzonate (Bitrex) in it so it's unbearably bitter.
    "Any kind of chemical in the lungs is bad" I guess that hack doctor should just move to outer space then, as oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide are all chemicals and are all in our lungs all day round.

  11. They’re not wrong… just don’t buy cbd from smoke shops or circle K’s. Buy real, tested, no tch CBD. Save your money for the real stuff or don’t buy at all.

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