How CBD Oil Helped David Wells Manage Pain

David Wells endured many pains over the course of his career as a pitcher in Major League Baseball. We sat down with Wells to …


  1. Really cool video! David Wells you were a great pitcher and one of my favorites to watch! You look really healthy and wish you the best! Cbd on the way! Really a great interviewer also! Keep ‘em comin!

  2. A bit confusing. He keeps saying CBD and at times cannabis. My understanding is that CBD Oil does not contain THC. Medical Marijuana does contain THC. Which one is he taking? I’ve been taking CBD Oil for a number of years and I still have aches and pains.

  3. I just by chance started to come across this CBD oil information and it's effects, today I was almost suicidal from unbearable pain not in one part of my joints but in hands,wrist, side wrist, actually all over my joints misserable and it has been 4 the past 6 wks and can't see GP only through The net, and my last consultation with specialist put me on Steroid predenosolon, as I refuse to take strong Medication severe reaction from Metrotrxcide, and hydrocoxquine, nearly died then stopped, but this information on CBD is a new to me ad i tried Turmeric but to no use or effectiveness, and one of my friends swear by it & is using a strong doses in drops under the tongue, and gave me connection information but I am scared as again I am on a lot of heart drugs after a simple procedure went horribly wrong? So isn't safe? Do I needs to discuss it with whom the Arthritis consultant or my GP R,s,vp.thanks

  4. Man! I just watched a video that this Pastor made. His wife was in chronic pain. He found these passages in Bible & knew Hebrew. When he realized through translation, they were naming wrong plant, in actuality it was Cannibas (spell check failed me) plant they were speaking of. I wish I would have saved the video!!! But it is in the Bible the miraculous healing properties of this plant!!!

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