FDA issues warning over Delta-8 THC products

The FDA has not individually evaluated Delta-8 THC products, but based on more than 2400 reports of bad reactions over the …


  1. Knowledge is Power to make an individual decision based on scientific and group controlled testing. Although marijuana has been around for a long time the testing of it has been greatly restricted.

  2. This is just a way for the government to profit off cannabis. Period. The government hates being in competition with it's citizens. REGULAR were has never caused anyone to overdose. No one person has died from cannabis use. It's when PEOPLE start adding synthetics and chemicals to it that the trouble starts. All because they want to produce a cheaper product faster. FDA allows more harmful chemicals in our food and drinks then what comes in cannabis from the earth. So much that those same products are BANNED in other countries that actually care about their people. Please don't act like you give about human consumption or human lives for that matter. 🙄

  3. The damn government always got to mess with everything just leave the weed alone stop trying to alter the affects and control everything. Its a damn shame

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