Don't sell CBD on Amazon, Hemp is Hyper Competitive

CBD is out right banned on Amazon. #Hemp is really competitive and margins are bad rigth now. From a My Amazon Guy …


  1. My amazon guy, just watched this video. I respect your opinion on the issue about NOT being able to sell CBD on amazon but there are 100% companies that are selling REAL CBD on amazon right now, and the funny thing is, is that amazon definitely knows about it. But since some of these companies have changed the Verbiage on the label and packaging and are doing extremely well selling these products and amazon has yet to stop them. If you wanted more info about who is selling real CBD on amazon ill be glad to tell you if you wanted to do another video on the subject.

  2. After many failed attempts with other brands I finally found this brand. The products at Weedborn are the best and I don't think I will ever have to look for another CBD supplier again.

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