Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Levels and Cannabis Plant Production

Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Levels and Cannabis Plant Production Professor DeBacco Atmospheric Carbon dioxide levels …


  1. also don't forget if your grow in your house and you have a propane water heater you proably wont be at 400ppm . i have tried letting my house sit empty for weeks and still never goes to 400ppm unless i shut off the pilot lights . ever since i learned pilot lights put off co2 I started looking at my pilot lights like they are little co2 burners. between 2 pilot lights 2 cats and 2 humans i can bounce around 600-900ppm

  2. This is why i call global warming bs. We want higher co2 in the air. We want our plants thrive. Not only our plants, but all of them. Food, trees oxygen. Anyway global warming is non existent construct.

  3. Great topic. So many new growers just buy light fixtures based on 2 factors. First being price. Everyone wants a cheap light….however it comes at a quality cost.
    Secondly people are buying light fixtures because of these hugely advertised PAR or PPF or PPFD ratings.
    Sorry folks but if you bought the light cause it says 1800 micromoles…..unless you ramp up watering and feeding and totally boost your CO2 to over 1000ppm your new light will be a waste.
    Peace and happy growing everyone.
    Y fields are finally seeded with wheat this year. Pray for rain so I can once again contribute to feeding the world 🌎

  4. Thank you professor I was needing and wanting this Particular information recently. Great work , Many thanks !!
    At what point must Cannibus with higher than normal or extremely high par levels require more than 400 ppm Co2 ?

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