1. Like so many are saying this is a game changer and works very quick!

    I have a very slight hint of Aspergers and quite a big deal of ADHD. I also suffer with a lot of Anxiety and depression (due to circumstances). I had heard about this CBD for a bit and was very reluctant to take it. However I tried a couple of months back and I can honestly say it has COMPLETELY changed my world! (continued below…)

    For me it took a couple of doses to start feeling the benefits and boy did I know it! At the end of the day I thought it's a load of hype and noise but when I started to see my symptoms disappear I was honestly sold. It's no magic remedy but when taken correctly and not abused the results are definitely incredible. Please note that it effects each person differently, and some people haven't noticed any difference (maybe due to taking on an empty stomach or not eating), while for others it's a life saver.

    – Huge improvement in mood (minimal depression, low mood, or negative thoughts)
    – Increased productivity and focus
    – Creative hobbies such as making music, writing or crafts was a pleasant surprise, and better enjoyment of music. You really can get in that creative "flow state"
    – Easier waking up in the morning
    – Clear thoughts
    – Easier to move when exercising, noticeably my elbow and knee joints

    I have tried stopping this to see if it's placebo, and boom the comedown was horrible, my depression, anxiety and other things returned again 😢 so it really has worked for me personally.

    After experimenting with doses I found that taking FULL SPECTRUM CDB oil with a strong coffee and some kind of fatty food (such as a bacon roll or chicken with mayo) seems to bring out the best in the oil. This may be due to the combination of Caffeine and cannibidol which pair top really well for anxiety and depression, plus the fat and oil from the meat or mayo which binds the elements of the CBD and makes it more effective. One word of warning. DO NOT take this on an empty stomach, I experienced a little sickness but many have reported it not working (like I mentioned above it's probably because the chemicals in the CBD oil requires you to eat near taking it for your body to absorb it) – In my honest opinion. I'm looking into the combination of melatonin and CBD at the moment since I don't know if SAD sunrise alarm clock lights can effect (delay) the effects, so that would be interesting to find out.

    I'm no doctor, but I have experience with taking the oil… but here is a few tips for people new to taking CBD oil…

    – ALWAYS get a FULL spectrum CBD oil, which has been given certification by a big enough and well regulated lab. Personally I'd say medium strength (but then this will vary for each individual). This will remove any heavy metals or chemicals from fertiliser or soil AND mould for those who are allergic to mould or similar bacteria (the plants are susceptible to it since they are grown in mild and humid environments).

    – Don't take too higher dosage (this is because of liver toxicity)

    – If you have LOW blood pressure be careful (since it can lower your blood pressure a good deal)

    – If you're taking beta-blockers or certain medications it can interact (ALWAYS consult with a medical professional before taking a new treatment such as CDB)

    – Start off with a single drop, then when your body is used to the oil and the effect isn't quite as strong, then increase to the recommended dose. But please do not take too much, your liver is a forgiving organ, but not indestructible!

    – If you feel drowsy a little caffeine or reduction in the amount of drops will help (don't over do it on the caffeine though, stay within the safe daily limit)

    – This can give you headaches from my experience, if you get them lay off for a day before returning to treatment.

    Personally this has changed the taboo that surrounds it, and now that various institutes are now researching and studying the use of the extraction of certain chemicals from "illicit substances" and it's effect on humans, I think the future is a bright one for medicine and truly believe that there is a whole world of untapped potential. The only sad thing is that when big Pharma and governments clock on to how in demand these things could become, they will whack up the prices and create bigger taxes which will send people in bad directions looking for access to these things. Already this CBD market is a billion dollar industry and the full spectrum CBD oil I mentioned isn't cheap! I hope that authorities will use caution when trying to capitalise on healing products.

    Sorry for the long essay 😀 but hopefully it helps someone.

  2. You wouldn't feel jittery at all at high doses, you'd feel more relaxed is all. Dosages up to 1.5grams (1,500mg) per day for weeks for schizophrenia was well tolerated. The best dosage for OCD and panic attack disorder is 300 to 600mg a day. Great video!

  3. I was searching for CBD videos the last few days …Hey just as played the video I realised I may have seen you before and then I got the confirmation that I saw with Uma Telugu traveller .. hope you are doing well. All the best.

  4. A little trick my physio therapist taught me for joint pain in the leg or ankle was to sit in a chair that lets your leg hang from the knee down, without your feet touching the floor. It allows the joint to open and rsceive nutrients.

  5. I'm on my second day of it and like you i got results in minutes! It has improved my fibromaylgia symptoms by 50% in one day and that is way better than the two pharmaceutical meds i take for this condition. I am over the moon. I have been suffering from this disease for 15 years so i am absolutely amazed at how good this miracle supplement is!!

  6. CBD oil does absolutely nothing for me, I’ve tried several strains, high quality medically prescribed too. No anxiety relief and no pain relief.

  7. I tried CBD oil off and on for a year and I always felt better when I stopped taking it. The CBD oil took away the excitement of simply being alive. However, I realize it helps a lot of people. I'm only saying it's not right for everyone. What I find much more effective and healthful than CBD oil is a keto diet and eating one meal a day.

  8. I've smoked weed for 2 years. It seemed to help me with some strains, but then some didn't. I had no clue of thc vs cbd. Was trying to feel better again so I kept asking for stronger weed only to feel worse. Now I realize the cbd was helping me but not the thc. I'm exited to get cbd to feel what I felt some of the times.

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