How Medical Marijuana Has Changed My life

Check out my full line of ReviewTechUSA Merch: The law allows New Yorkers to possess up to 3 ounces of …


  1. I find it wonderful that your life has changed. once I started using cannabis from my local shop my anger went from easily triggered to I could care less and I go throughout my day being positive and productive.

  2. I have anxiety, too. But in my country (Germany), Cannabis is illegal for private use and it´s god damn hard to get a medical certificate for it. God know´s how long it is illegal, but right now the politician are talking about legalisation.

    I can drink alcohol at almost every corner, but if you get caught with a joint, pray to god…..

  3. Uh I have a friend who’s definitely addicted to weed. And the dude literally has withdrawals and mood swings if he doesn’t have it. So you can be addicted. You can be addicted to anything.

  4. Rich, I’ve been a subscriber/fan whatever you wanna call it for a good 5+ years now.

    Though the gaming news/tech reviews are what I subbed for, I really enjoy your more personal videos where you talk about yourself and life experiences you’ve had. It especially helps me when they’re similar to things I’ve been through or something I’m interested in learning more about. I think you’re honestly a great guy and I hope you’re doing okay, man.

  5. It’s great for the economy as well. In Arizona there is a dispensary that opened up that hired a professional chef to make food with THC. It was doing very well, and once recreational weed was legalized business exploded and can’t keep up with demand. Whoever made a Weed cafe is a fucking genius.

  6. So I have similar symptoms, but mine is called life! Probably shouldn't have had kids. I've seen so many men do the kids, and then their lives and the family that the female wanted more than you is destroyed.

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