Girl stops having seizures after cannabis oil treatments

Alex Repetski, who treats his daughter’s epilepsy with cannabis oil, says she could barely sit on her own before the treatments.


  1. Doctors are hypocrites…they say no to it….. their licence to practice as a, doctor should be taken of them and never to practice again….ever…….♥️♥️♥️♥️…. Perth Australia

  2. Nice video and very informative and very entertaining and very satisfaction more videos.

    Read Isaiah New Testament Exodus it shall give you stability and confidence I didn't try to convert you.

    Read our true history after you read your true history just trying to help.

    Do steam bath and growing medicine just trying to help.

  3. I am 45 years old and have had seizures since 43. I have to be in bed all day because of the antiseazure medication (it makes me extremely dizzy). And my muscle spasm prevent me from walking. Have been in bed since September 1, 2020, in the ER 7 times. I can't live like this. I am really thinking about using medical marijuana. I live in Los Angeles California and it's legal, but what if the next governor declares it illegal?

  4. I wonder if micro dosing mushrooms would help. Or even just a mushroom that helps because there are millions of species with thousands of different effects for different diseases.

  5. We should all remember be proactive in our own lives and don't solely depend only on modern day technology and medicine. The Creator created all seed bearing plants and everything we need to survive if we only stop letting modern day medicine kill our loved ones. Did you hear him say his daughter was on seven to eight kinds of medication. Geez that poor little baby. His before and after photos even the baby skin color looked even better…

  6. We are about to vote on it here in NZ. So sick of all the drug industry patsy’s on tv saying how dangerous it is… meanwhile NZ has always had the highest per capita use on the planet practically and is currently run by gangs… Then you see videos like this and see why the drug industry is fighting so hard to keep it suppressed. That poor baby was on 8 different medications and homemade pot oil beat the lot with zero side effects!

  7. Cannabis should never have been made illegal in the first place! Check out William Randolph Hurst. He’s the main reason it was criminalised. A crime against humanity. We’re full of cannabis receptors because our ancestors have consumed it since the dawn of time. Anyone who thinks cannabis should be illegal has never tried it. Hypocrites

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