COVID team in CBD apartment block when fire broke out | Illawarra Mercury

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Health officials were conducting interviews relating to a COVID case in a Gladstone Avenue apartment block when fire broke out last week. Last Monday 300 residents fled their apartment complex after a fire started in a fourth-floor unit. Read more: Illawarra residents on what it’s like to have COVID An Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District spokeswoman said Public Health Unit staff were in the building at the time carrying out interviews relating to a positive COVID case in the complex at the time. “In this case, interviews were being undertaken and interrupted by a fire emergency,” she said. “Those considered a potential case were provided the advice by the Public Health Unit as to the safest protocols for evacuation and assembly outdoors.” The spokeswoman said residents identified as close or casual contacts had received specific advice about whether they need to be tested and isolate or monitor for symptoms. “General public health advice is provided to others living in the building who are not considered a contact,” she said. The Illawarra Mercury news app is now officially live on both iOS and Android devices. It is available for download in the Apple Store and Google Play.


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